PILDO LABS WESSEX was created in 2014, as a subsidiary Pildo Labs Company with base at United Kingdom (UK). New UK branch is UK CAA approved body for the commercialization of specific services within the ATM market under Single European Sky (SES) rules, and catalyze the introduction of products and services in other domains than ATM, such as Intelligent Transport Systems or ITS.

The new company inherits from Pildo Labs the expertise and excellent record in the successful completion of studies and developments for major clients such as EUROCONTROL, ESA, The European Commission, National Air Navigation Service providers and governments.

Pildo Labs has a proven record in developing EGNSS based applications integrating GNSS receivers and additional HW and SW components, which ensures the fulfilment of the technology development required by the project.

Moreover, the company is used to manage by big consortiums composed of international companies, and is used to work with the GSA. All this ensures the successfulness of the project coordination.

Role in the project:

Pildo Labs Wessex will be coordinator of the project and MaaS Platform Development leader, where it will be main contributor to User and driver application development. It will also have an important role in Data Exploitation workpackage, by developing analytic methods to extract conclusions from available transport data.

Link to partner website